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These battlemats have been recognized around the world for years as a must have accessory for any gamemaster. Double-sided, squares on one side and hexagons on the other, this easy-to-carry vinyl mat can become the playing field for thousands of different fantastic fights. With a simple drawing of the right pen you can draw the contours of a river, a fort and trees which form the site of an unexpected ambush.

After the fight, it only takes a little water and a small towel to erase all traces of ink.

This card is the larger of the two we offer. It is amply suited for almost all fights and measures 33 by 47 squares. (88cm x 122cm)

Chessex Megamat



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  • Using the right pens is essential! We recommend the pens that you can find on our site. That is to say, Staedtler's Non-permanent Lumocolor series which can be erased with water.

    It is important to wash your battlemat immediately after use, otherwise the ink will be difficult to erase. If this should happen, then just use white vinegar to get rid of the stains.

    By paying attention to this, you will be able to keep your Megamats in good condition for many years. For example, the one pictured has been used very intensively for over three years (hundreds of gaming sessions) and looks like new.

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